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Ollie Read


This is the article archive, containing articles that were either retired or from an old version of this site.

These articles were written a long time ago, and while they may have been updated, I cannot guarantee that the content included in them is still correct or relevant.

Guides Archived

The Action and Operation approach

Updates Archived

An update on what the future has in store for me and ollieread.com

Updates Archived

Multitenancy With Laravel, a course and package

Personal Archived

Creating a modern day PHP framework

Tutorials Archived

Laravel RBAC (role based access control), without over-engineering

Updates Archived

How I accidentally created an ORM to avoid using Eloquent

Tutorials Archived

Laravel multi-tenancy, avoiding over engineering

Updates Archived

Treating APIs like any other data source

Updates Archived

An alternative to Eloquent, Articulate

Tutorials Archived

Using Repositories with Laravel